################################################################################ # ____ ____ _____ _ # / ___|| __ )| ___|__ _ __ ___ | |_ # \___ \| _ \| |_ / __| '_ \ / _ \| __| # ___) | |_) | _|\__ \ |_) | (_) | |_ # |____/|____/|_| |___/ .__/ \___/ \__| # |_| # # SBFspot.cfg - Configuration file for SBFspot.exe # SBFspot - Yet another tool to read power production of SMAŽ solar inverters # (c)2012-2019, SBF # # DISCLAIMER: # A user of SBFspot software acknowledges that he or she is receiving this # software on an "as is" basis and the user is not relying on the accuracy # or functionality of the software for any purpose. The user further # acknowledges that any use of this software will be at his own risk # and the copyright owner accepts no responsibility whatsoever arising from # the use or application of the software. # # SMA and Speedwire are registered trademarks of SMA Solar Technology AG ################################################################################ # SMA Inverter's Bluetooth address # Windows: smaspot -scan # Linux : hcitool scan # IMPORTANT FOR SPEEDWIRE USERS: COMMENT OUT BTADDRESS (PUT # IN FRONT) BTAddress=00:80:25:1C:90:01 # SMA Inverter's Speedwire IP address # If IP_Address is not set or is SBFspot will try to detect the speedwire inverter by broadcast # If IP_Address is set to a valid IP, SBFspot will try to connect directly to that IP without broadcast detection # Multiple IP addresses can be provided (comma separated) #IP_Address= # User password (default 0000) Password=MEINSTANDARDPASSWORT # MIS_Enabled (Multi Inverter Support: Default=0 Disabled) # +------------+-------+-------------+ # | #Inverters | NetID | MIS_Enabled | # +------------+-------+-------------+ # | 1 | 1 | Don't Care | # +------------+-------+-------------+ # | 1 | >1 | 0 | # +------------+-------+-------------+ # | >1 | >1 | 1 | # +------------+-------+-------------+ MIS_Enabled=0 # Plantname Plantname=PVAnze10 # OutputPath (Place to store CSV files) # # Windows: C:\Users\Public\SMAdata\%Y # Linux : /home/pi/smadata/%Y # %Y %m and %d will be expanded to Year Month and Day OutputPath=/home/pi/smadata/%Y # OutputPathEvents (Place to store CSV files for events) # If omitted, OutputPath is used OutputPathEvents=/home/pi/smadata/%Y/Events # Position of pv-plant http://itouchmap.com/latlong.html # Example for Ukkel, Belgium Latitude=49.43 Longitude=11.83 # Calculate Missing SpotValues # If set to 1, values not provided by inverter will be calculated # eg: Pdc1 = Idc1 * Udc1 CalculateMissingSpotValues=1 # DateTimeFormat (default %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S) # For details see strftime() function # http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/ctime/strftime/ DateTimeFormat=%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S # DateFormat (default %d/%m/%Y) DateFormat=%d/%m/%Y # DecimalPoint (comma/point default comma) DecimalPoint=comma # TimeFormat (default %H:%M:%S) TimeFormat=%H:%M:%S # SynchTime (0-30 - 0=disabled, 1=once a day (default), 7=once a week, 30=once a month) # If set to non-zero value, the plant time is synchronised with local host time # Some inverters don't have a real-time clock SynchTime=1 # SynchTimeLow (1-120 - default 1) # SynchTimeHigh (1200-3600 - default 3600) # Plant time is adjusted to local host time when SynchTime=1 and # time difference is between SynchTimeLow and SynchTimeHigh limits SynchTimeLow=1 SynchTimeHigh=3600 # SunRSOffset # Offset to start before sunrise and end after sunset (0-3600 - default 900 seconds) SunRSOffset=900 # Locale # Translate Entries in CSV files # Supported locales: de-DE;en-US;fr-FR;nl-NL;es-ES;it-IT # Default en-US Locale=de-DE # Timezone # Select the right timezone in date_time_zonespec.csv # e.g. Timezone=Europe/Brussels Timezone=Europe/Berlin # BTConnectRetries # Number of Bluetooth Connection attempts (1-15; Default=10) BTConnectRetries=10 ########################### ### CSV Export Settings ### ########################### # With CSV_* settings you can define the CSV file format # CSV_Export (default 1 = Enabled) # Enables or disables the CSV Export functionality CSV_Export=1 # CSV_ExtendedHeader (default 1 = On) # Enables or disables the SMA extended header info (8 lines) # isep=; # Version CSV1|Tool SBFspot|Linebreaks CR/LF|Delimiter semicolon|Decimalpoint comma|Precision 3 # etc... # This is usefull for manual data upload to pvoutput.org CSV_ExtendedHeader=1 # CSV_Header (default 1 = On) # Enables or disables the CSV data header info (1 line) # dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss;kWh;kW # This is usefull for manual data upload to pvoutput.org # If CSV_ExtendedHeader is enabled, CSV_Header is also enabled CSV_Header=1 # CSV_SaveZeroPower (default 1 = On) # When enabled, daily csv files contain all data from 00:00 to 23:55 # This is usefull for manual data upload to pvoutput.org CSV_SaveZeroPower=1 # CSV_Delimiter (comma/semicolon default semicolon) CSV_Delimiter=semicolon # CSV_Spot_TimeSource (Inverter|Computer default Inverter) CSV_Spot_TimeSource=Inverter # CSV_Spot_WebboxHeader (Default 0 = Off) # When enabled, use Webbox style header (DcMs.Watt[A];DcMs.Watt[B]...) CSV_Spot_WebboxHeader=0 ########################### ### SQL DB Settings ### ########################### # SQLite # SQL_Database (Fullpath to SQLite DB) # Windows: C:\Users\Public\SMAdata\SBFspot.db # Linux : /home/pi/smadata/SBFspot.db SQL_Database=/home/pi/smadata/SBFspot.db # MySQL #SQL_Database=SBFspot #SQL_Hostname= or #SQL_Username=SBFspotUser #SQL_Password=SBFspotPassword ######################### ### MQTT Settings ### ######################### # Full path to mosquitto_pub executable # Linux: sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients MQTT_Publisher=/usr/bin/mosquitto_pub # Windows: Download and install mosquitto clients from https://mosquitto.org/download/ # Mosquitto 64-bit on Windows 64-bit # MQTT_Publisher=%ProgramW6432%\\mosquitto\\mosquitto_pub.exe # Mosquitto 32-bit on Windows 32-bit # MQTT_Publisher=%ProgramFiles%\\mosquitto\\mosquitto_pub.exe # IP address or DNS name of MQTT Broker # Don't use test broker for production environments MQTT_Host=test.mosquitto.org # MQTT_Host=broker.hivemq.com # Port (Optional) #MQTT_Port= # Topic Name # When using public broker like test.mosquitto.org make sure to define a unique topic name # by appending the serial number of the inverter to avoid you receive data of another SBFspot user. MQTT_Topic=sbfspot_{serial} # Format of message items to be sent # JSON: MQTT_ItemFormat="{key}": {value} # TEXT: MQTT_ItemFormat={key}:{value} # XML: MQTT_ItemFormat= MQTT_ItemFormat="{key}": {value} # MQTT_ItemDelimiter (none|blank|comma|semicolon default comma) # JSON: MQTT_ItemDelimiter=comma # TEXT: MQTT_ItemDelimiter=semicolon # XML : MQTT_ItemDelimiter=none MQTT_ItemDelimiter=comma # Mandatory arguments for mosquitto_pub executable # JSON: MQTT_PublisherArgs=-h {host} -t {topic} -m "{{message}}" # TEXT: MQTT_PublisherArgs=-h {host} -t {topic} -m "{message}" # XML : MQTT_PublisherArgs=-h {host} -t {topic} -m "{message}" MQTT_PublisherArgs=-h {host} -t {topic} -m "{{message}}" # Data to be published (comma delimited) MQTT_Data=Timestamp,SunRise,SunSet,InvSerial,InvName,InvTime,InvStatus,InvTemperature,InvGridRelay,EToday,ETotal,PACTot,UDC1,UDC2,IDC1,IDC2,PDC1,PDC2 # Possible keywords are (if supported by your inverter): # SBFspot Alias Code Description # ==================================================================================== # Timestamp Current date/time # InvTime Inverter date/time # SunRise Sunrise time # SunSet Sunset time # InvSerial Serial Number # InvName NameplateLocation Device name # InvClass NameplateMainModel Device class # InvType NameplateModel Device type # InvSwVer NameplatePkgRev Software package # InvStatus OperationHealth Condition # InvTemperature CoolsysTmpNom Operating condition temperatures # InvGridRelay OperationGriSwStt Grid relay/contactor # ETotal MeteringTotWhOut Total yield # EToday MeteringDyWhOut Day yield # PACTot GridMsTotW Power # PDC1/PDC2 DcMsWatt DC power input String 1/2 # UDC1/UDC2 DcMsVol DC voltage input String 1/2 # IDC1/IDC2 DcMsAmp DC current input String 1/2 # OperTm MeteringTotOpTms Operating time # FeedTm MeteringTotFeedTms Feed-in time # PAC1 GridMsWphsA Power L1 # PAC2 GridMsWphsB Power L2 # PAC3 GridMsWphsC Power L3 # UAC1 GridMsPhVphsA Grid voltage phase L1 # UAC2 GridMsPhVphsB Grid voltage phase L2 # UAC3 GridMsPhVphsC Grid voltage phase L3 # IAC1 GridMsAphsA_1 Grid current phase L1 # IAC2 GridMsAphsB_1 Grid current phase L2 # IAC3 GridMsAphsC_1 Grid current phase L3 # GridFreq GridMsHz Grid frequency # BatTmpVal BatTmpVal Battery temperature # BatVol BatVol Battery voltage # BatAmp BatAmp Battery current # BatChaStt BatChaStt Current battery charge status